
秋季學期將於在9月2日開始,隨着假期結束,不同學校將恢復上學,預計交通會出現擠塞情況。 因此,各位可適當地調整自己上班或上學時間。



  • 坑口早上特快 91B不停站專綫直接回科大停校園落客,詳情請按此處

  • 恢復91P特別車的巴士 服務並已新增班次,詳情請按此處;  

  • 如遇見坑口公共交通交滙處或牛池灣村外的小巴站出現人龍,請考慮選用巴士

  • 大學與運輸署商議後,運輸署已要求巴士和小巴承辦商在繁忙或晚間下課時間加强服務或派員協調並提供特別班次; 

  • 下載由本校校友研發的手機改良版到站時間系統 (USTransitcid:image002.jpg@01D935CD.EDFF7550 ),查看服務科大的所有 小巴巴士 實時到站情況,及其他交通消息!



  • 維持 晚間服務,22:15 各一班往將軍澳和鑽石山,請按此處瀏覽詳情;

  • 同學可選乘免費坑口綫,詳情請按此處

  • 因應情況,大學已經在原有班次上作出改動,另外,巴士班次會根據實際需求而作出更改,請按此處瀏覽詳情;

  • 我們預計用車人數較多,不便之處,希望大家見諒; 

  • 使用巴士承辦商正試行的巴士行駛位置圖計劃,詳情請按這裡


  • 大學教職員可選擇乘搭教職員巴士,請按此處瀏覽詳情;

  • 我們預計用車人數較多,不便之處,希望大家見諒;

  • 使用巴士承辦商正試行的巴士行駛位置圖計劃,詳情請按這裡

# 試辦運載力較强的雙層巴士進入校園落客的安排,實有賴多方面的支持和努力,如校園管理處,校園發展處,保安部,法務處,健康、安全及環境處,特別是運輸署,謹借此機會表達敬意。


The Fall Semester will be commenced on 2 September 2024.  In view of the resumption of classes for most if not all schools after the long holiday, traffic jams and long waiting time for minibuses / buses are not uncommon.  Therefore, you are highly recommended to adjust your schedule returning to campus.

We hope that the following information may reduce the possible influence to your campus arrival time.

Public Buses and Minibuses

  • Hang Hau Express 91B (point-to-point) Bus Service with campus drop-off points, click here for details.

  • Special Bus 91P during peak hours has resumed with newly added trips. click here for details.

  • Please also consider taking double decker buses if you come across long queue for minibuses at either Hang Hau Public Transport Interchange or Choi Hung boarding points. 

  • Public bus / minibus operators have been requested by the Transport Dept. to strengthen the services and arrange special trips when necessary.

  • Download the upgraded ETA (USTransitcid:image002.jpg@01D935CD.EDFF7550) app developed by HKUST alumni team to view the estimated time of arrival for ALL buses and minibuses serving the HKUST and other relevant information.


University Shuttle buses 

  • Maintain late evening schedule (22:15) departing to both Diamond Hill and Tseung Kwan O.  Click here for details. 

  • Students may take the free-of-charge Hang Hau - HKUST students only service. Click here for details.

  • The shuttle bus service schedule is subject to adjust depending on actual demand.  Click here for details. 

  • Your patience is much appreciated as the bus occupancy is expected on the high side. 

  • Use the operator's new Bus Location Enquiry System. Click here to view.

 University Staff buses

  • Staff members may take staff buses.  Please click here for details.

  • Your patience is much appreciated as the bus occupancy is expected on the high side.  

  • Use the operator's new Bus Location Enquiry System. Click here to view.


# The trial-run of campus stops for double decker bus is attributed to efforts and support from various parties.  We would like to extend our gratitude to CMO, CDO, HSEO, Legal Office, Security Office and most importantly, the Transport Department.