Staff Bus


HKUST facilitates the use of public transport and operates commuter buses to offer convenience to our staff members. Commuter buses and mass transit are also a more environmentally-friendly alternative to the use of private vehicles; they save energy, reduce road congestion, and minimize our greenhouse gas emissions. The goal of HKUST is to ensure that over 90% of all staff can arrive and depart the campus using more sustainable commuting alternatives.  


Staff member is required to tap his/her University Staff ID card against the scan box on the bus for identification upon boarding and before paying by the octopus card.  Drivers' authorized to refuse users to take the service if they fail to go through the identification process.

Other Information

To view the general information of the service, please click here.   For ways of emergency evacuation from the bus, please click here.

Health guidelines when using staff bus, please click here.

For urgent enquiries outside normal office hours, please contact Mr. Tsang at 6534-1138.